What's This All About?
Ready to Save Some Money AND Improve Driver Safety?
- Course is ONLY $14.99!
- Great Discount, Save $$$!
- Savings Will Last for Years!
- Learn Better Driving Habits
- Improve Your Driver Skills
- Boost Your Driving Safety
Welcome to the Home Page for our AWESOME Online Defensive Driver Course!
To get started on your defensive driver course right now, simply click any of the "Sign Up Now" or "Get Started" buttons anywhere on this page! You can be taking your course in minutes!
The challenges faced by drivers on public roads today have changed! Tremendously increased traffic volume combined with a lack of expansion of our road networks has resulted in far greater overall traffic congestion. With a smart phone in every pocket and the temptation to use this technology while driving all but impossible to avoid for some, driving while distracted has become a major cause of accidents today. Rapidly increasing traffic accident frequency has resulted in skyrocketing insurance rates across the insurance industry.

We want you and your family to be SAFE. Your future is important to us. We value our customer relationships greatly and we view efforts that can improve your driving safety as worthy of promotion. It is our strong desire to help you become better equipped to deal with modern driving challenges and to reward you for this effort by helping you to save money on your automobile insurance!
The Defensive Driver Course DISCOUNT Provides Fantastic Savings and Safety for You and Your Family!
Returning to a course already in progress?
Please click the My Account button in the header above to login into your Defensive Driver Course account to continue the course! You may return as many times as needed to complete your course.
Would You Like to Earn an Excellent Discount On Your Auto Insurance?
Get Started Now! Simply Click any of the "Sign Up Now" or "Get Started" buttons located anywhere on this page to go to the course registration page. Getting started only takes a minute!
About the Course -
Our Premier Defensive Driver & Driver Improvement Course!
This version of Defensive Driver Academy's Premier Online Defensive Driver and Driver Improvement course has been optimized to meet all specific requirements for the state where you register.
All government regulator mandated content requirements specified by the state in order to qualify for the course related insurance discount are covered in this course.
ONLY $14.99!
Best Course Price on the Market!
Defensive Driver Academy is dedicated to improving the skills and safety habits of everyone behind the wheel operating a motor vehicle. The modern reality of increasing traffic accident frequency and fatalities in a time when technology is making our vehicles safer than ever before is simply not acceptable. We can do better – all of us – and the driver improvement courses developed by Defensive Driver Academy are designed to effectively accomplish this basic objective.
- Defensive Driver Academy's Premier Driver Safety Course!
- 5 Course Sessions, Each with a 15 Question Quiz
- 25 Question Final Exam - 70% Required to Pass
- Course Content Meets all State mandated requirements
- Complete at Your Own Pace!
- Return to Your Course as Many Times as Needed
- Guaranteed Pass! Take the Exam as Many Times as Needed.
- Receive Your Completion Certificate Immediately when Done